Yoichiro Sakai
Yoichiro Sakai is awaded professional photgrapher that part of scenic landscape and flight's scene.
He has a experience of shoot works, exhibits and acvtive on media 10years in the international world.
Find out about my works, Visit the next exhibition,
Buy an original print from there!
- 1-31 Mar. 2025: Nuevos Ministerios station, Madrid, Spain
- 5-7 Sep. 2025: Untitled Art Fair - Chelsea Old Town Hall, London, UK
- March 2025 new photobook part of European landscape
record more 80works shooting in Europe between 2015 and 2024
- March 2025 new photobook part of Flight's photo
record more 80works about flight's photos
- March 2025 be revised photobook 'Japanese landscape'
will translatie into English
The works will tell you the best beauty of the scenic landscape in the world with an emphasis on
my original eye leves and artistic sense.
To tell the real beauty in the classic artistic world, almost works didn't edit and not conscious to
the just travel record or marketing photography.
Confident for FLIGHT'S PHOTO
As an another good skill, can find the best scene of the flights near the airport. And I also fun to find a nice view from thr window seat within the travel time.
Tell the cool story of the flight and time in travel from the part of flight's photo.