Special report of 

Europ Art Fair 2023

and photo trip in NL

Thank you for coming in Europe Art Fair last time. 
And thank you for being met a lor of good friends, art lovers, and a man interesting in Japanese culture.
Thaks to all, I could spent a great experience time.
So, I wrote a report of the fair and photo trip in NL substitute of the social media.

Day 1  Flight on KLM862 Dream liner

It was starting 20hours flight trip to Amsterdam. 
During this time, fly over 10 countries South Korea, China, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Germany. 

At that time, I was searching new scene and the sky from the window seat. 
And found emotional location at approaching route of ICN airport 
and fly over Brasov of Romania.

People seems too long flight, but I felt very short flight 
because I love for the airplane especially KLM Dream liner.

Day 2  Utrecht and near Schipool Airport

I went to Utrecht and took a city walk for the flower market at the Janskerk. 
At that time, I was feeling that Duch man having a great time 
at the coffee shop near the river and having an elegance time 
during plant the summer flowers in their house. 
So, I wanted to reproduction that my first impression by my camera, 
so I returned to the bridge before the Dom to make a work.

After this, I back to near Schipool Airport to take airplane photos.
From before years, I was thinking to take photos that approaching flight 
and a windmill near Schipool Airport in a screen of photo. 
So, I already found a good location by a map.
However, I didn’t satisfaction by shortage of something else, 
so I was determined to retry for the next time. 
I’ll keeping challenge to make a completely work forever.

Day 3  Pendrechtse windmill

In early morning, I visited Pendrechtse windmill. 
I really wanted to make a work here for a long time. 
To make a style of my work, I was waiting for passerby 
while feeling a breeze of European summer morning. 
It was supreme bliss as my time.

Day 4  Rhenen

I wanted to trip for the local area in Netherlands. 
I also want to tell you there is a beautiful town every country 
from my naturally landscape works, 
so I was select a town of Rhenen to make works there.

There were good locations of the photo spot in this town. 
And I was spoken to about my taking photos from the local man 
and was said hello from some passerby. 
I felt they has what a kindness mind so, I wanted to response them 
by my original works contain my skills of it.

Day 5  Groningen

This day I went to northside of Holland firstly. 
I saw a good location of bicycle road 
that walled in trees along the way to Noorder windmill. 
Finally, I realized a fervent wish to take photos of the scene of Duch cyclist. 

Day 6  Dinant, Namur and Maastricht

Today, I had a plan of the train trip of cross the border 
between Netherland and Belgium 
and stop at some towns along the Meuse River.
As the scene of summer holidays, 
it was suitable scene of ship cruising in the sightseeing town. 
So, I was collecting the scene at every town in that day.

Day 7  Gouda

I was looking forward to going to the cheese market in Gouda.
Before starting the market, 
I was seeking a good location to take photos from the alley.

Day 8  Aalsmeer FloraHolland and business day

Unfortunately, I can't show you the pictures here, 
but I saw them working style and I was impressed by the scene 
where many flowers were sorted and transported 
to repetition for deliver the shop. 
After this, I backed to the hotel to work and preparation for the art fair.

Day 9 to 11  Europ Art Fair

During three days of the fair were very busy and it was crowded, 
but I could a great experience in it.
Met a lot of people who art lovers, who has interested in Japanese cultures, 
who remembered exhibition of two years ago 
and who met while photo trip recently.
They were eager in looking my work, 
take hand in my photobooks, and took my business card. 
And, I could receive good reviews from them. 
But also, I’m thinking that to grow as the photographer, 
it is the most important to remember my works, my name 
and my face for everyone. 
Therefore, I had so happy time with talking with you in my booth.

Day 10 and 11  as free time

On the early morning that before open the fair, I went out to take photos.
Firstly morning, I took a walk in Wester Park 
to know the location of near the Westergasterrein that exhibition hall. 
It is a large park where you can feel nature in the city.

And, next morning, I got on the streetcar for center of the city 
and searching for good location to take photos. 
I got off before the Leidseplein 
and ready for take photos of streetcar and flowers 
and Internationaal Theater Amsterdam as the background.

Day 12  Flight on AF272 Sky Team livery

To return to home, I got on the air KL 1223 and AF272 SkyTeam livery.
When transit at CDG, I was looking at the Eiffel Tower for the so far distance.
Flight route of AF273 was similar to KL862 
so fly over 12 countries between Paris and Tokyo.
I could take photos fly over Beijing at 3am. 
I was so exciting window view that’s why 
I forgot take a nap into 13hours flight time.

When I was trip to take photos, 

I was very satisfied with to make photo works of 
the scene of windmills and the scene of Dutch cyclist in this photo trip. 
And I achieved to visit all mainly city in Netherlands as my fourth time trip. 
But there is no limit to attractive to Holland locations, so I want to back soon.

At Europe Art Fair, thanks to all of you, I could carry back great memories from it. 
I could have more confidence in my works and skills from your good comments. And I can find next tasks from your opinions, 
and I had shared a lot of things as one of the artist / photographers 
by exchange with some of exhibiters.

I cannot easily report to you due to don’t have accounts of social networks because I dislike it by some reasons. 
However, I am looking forward to seeing you again. 
I’ll back to daily life and effort to make next photo works from now on.